What did I ever do without it? Great Product!!! The typing, editing and clicking on every textitem is eliminated! This thing can do in 1 minute what it takes hours to do the old way." "I am really enjoying the Excellink 2000. I strongly recommend this to anyone who has link Excel and AutoCAD 2000."

"This program has saved me hundreds of hours in CAD time. "I have been looking for such a tool since Autodesk did not continue DDE past R12." no more tweeking this, or editing that." see her Autodesk newsgroup post It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute data and point coordinates between an AutoCAD drawing and an Excel sheet.ĮXCELLINK LT98 (V1.2 upd 4/2000, obsolete/discontinued) is an add-on for AutoCAD LT98 which allows to export attribute data in AutoCAD LT drawing to an Excel97 sheet. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD LT drawing and an Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 sheet.ĮXCELLINK VBA (V1.4.0 upd 1/2002) is an Excel (97/2000) VBA application for AutoCAD Rel.14.01, AutoCAD 2000 and Mechanical Desktop. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD drawing and an Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 sheet.ĮXCELLINK 2000 LT (V1.24 upd 12/2003) is an ARX application for AutoCAD LT2000/LT2000i and LT2002. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD LT drawing and an Excel 2000/XP/2003 sheet.ĮXCELLINK 2000 (V1.24 upd 12/2003) is an ARX application for AutoCAD 2002, 2000i, 2000 (plus Map2000/5, Mechanical Desktop 4/5/6. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD LT drawing and an Excel 2000/XP/2003 sheet. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD LT drawing and an Excel 2000/XP/2003 sheet.ĮXCELLINK 2005 LT(V16.1.1.5 upd 1/2005) is an ARX application for AutoCAD LT 2005. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD drawing and an Excel 2000/XP/2003 sheet.ĮXCELLINK 2006 LT (V16.2 upd 12/2005) is an ARX application for AutoCAD LT 2006. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD drawing and an Excel 2000/XP/2003 sheet. (V17 upd 6/2006) is an ARX application for AutoCAD 2007 (plus Map 3D 2007, Mechanical 2007, ADT 2007. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD drawing and an Excel 2000/XP/2003/2007 sheet.

(V17.1 upd 9/2007) is an ARX application for AutoCAD 2008 (plus Map 3D 2008, Mechanical 2008, Architecture 2008. (V17.2 upd 7/2008) is an ARX application for AutoCAD 2009 (plus Map 3D 2009, Mechanical 2009, Architecture 2009. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD drawing and an Excel 2000/XP/2003/2007/2010 sheet. It allows to bidirectionaly link attribute and block data between an AutoCAD drawing and an Excel 2000/XP/2003/2007/2010/2013 sheet. See CADstudio DwgText for a new application similar to Excellink, supporting all types of drawing texts (not only block attributes). EXCELLINK for AutoCAD Link AutoCAD attributes to MS Excel sheet